What Is a Relationship? 6 Things to Keep in Mind


Relationships are the social support networks that are pivotal to both our mental and physical health. Whether we’re in a long-term, romantic relationship or simply having friends with common interests, relationships make us feel better about ourselves and give us the motivation to live a healthier life.

The definition of a relationship is a wide-ranging term, with no one single answer to the question, “what is a relationship?” It can be difficult to know what a healthy relationship looks like, and whether or not you are in the right one for you. But there are a few basic things to keep in mind when you are deciding whether or not to get into a relationship.

1. Emotional Connection

A healthy relationship maintains a meaningful emotional connection between two people, with the partners genuinely liking and feeling loved by each other. This type of connection is especially crucial to long-term commitments, such as marriage.

2. Trust

A good relationship is built on trust, with both parties able to be vulnerable and share their emotions and feelings. It takes time and work to build trust in a relationship, but it’s worth the effort if you want to be with your partner for the long-term.

3. Healthy Communication

A healthy relationship is one in which both parties communicate well and are open to hearing the other’s point of view. This can include sharing feelings, discussing problems, and working to resolve conflicts without resorting to threats or violence.

4. Relationship Equality

A health relationship is one in which both partners are equally involved and supportive of each other’s needs. This can be done in many ways, from equal financial shares to balanced responsibilities at work or home.

5. Relationship Respect

A great way to ensure that your relationship is healthy is by creating a shared set of expectations. This can be as simple as agreeing to spend quality time together or doing a hobby you both enjoy.

Having shared expectations can help you both know what’s expected of you, and it can help avoid conflict down the line. If you’re in a relationship where neither party feels valued or respected, it’s time to start thinking about finding another.

6. Family and Friends

Finally, healthy relationships also provide a supportive network of family and friends. They help you to maintain a sense of happiness and wellbeing and can even encourage positive habits, such as eating healthy foods or staying active.

7. Healthy Relationships Add Meaning to Our Lives

Being in a healthy relationship can make a person feel happy and fulfilled, even in the face of challenging times. This can increase longevity and decrease depression, anxiety, stress, and a number of other mental health issues.

In addition, healthy relationships can add purpose to your life and can even lead you to become more active and engaged in your community or environment. It can also help you to see the world through a different lens.

Having a meaningful life can be hard to achieve alone. A healthy relationship can help you find the inspiration and support that you need to make your dreams come true.